Who is She?

Jan 24, 2024 min read

Who is She?

So whats up with this image on the site? This is Cirno from the Touhou series of games. She is a little ice fairy you meet in several of the games who believes that she is the “strongest” despite being introduced as a mid-boss for level 1. This fan art of her by an unknown (to me) artist enchanted me when I saw it. She’s so full of confidence and so unaware of her own weakness while, in my mind’s eye, spouting off nonsense to a patronizing and exasperated audience.

But why Your Profile Picture?

tl;dr I do what I want.

Back when I worked at EDS/HPE, we were required to use the enterprise equivalent of MSN Messenger. I was fresh out of college, rebellious, but not provocative. At some point we were required to have an image in the app. Being private by nature, I didn’t like the idea of the entire corproate directory knowing what I look like. Plus, it wasn’t fair to my co-workers to expose them to my visage on a daily basis.

The corporate IT guys did the best they could with what they were given. You had to use your corporate profile image. No uploading a custom one. Oh dear, but what was this? In the settings, while profile images were greyed out, there was a field to allow for a remote image, in retrospect, probably there to facilitate subsidiary domains. Regardless, having my own server, I went about hacking together a script that not only would host my remote image, but change it on a daily basis.

I was big into Touhou at the time. Something about the indie-dev spirit and the wildly creative fan-base with virtually no limits on creative license appealed to me. I used a bunch of character images from the games as my pool of avatars. Other than the occasional inquiry from a co-worker who found it silly, no one noticed for my entire tenure there.

It’s since then become my thing. The Cirno image here specifically started when I was at Arxan and had to settle for one image since they used Slack. This is the one I landed on.

It’s how I Try to See Myself

While I may have letters after my name and a lot of experience, I’m still one man on current-year planet earth. Since one of my hobbies is just learning for the sake of it, I’m confronted daily with things I didn’t know or was mistaken about. I like to remind myself that confidence does not equate correctness. Having that image front and center every working day helps with that.

It’s how I Choose to Have Others See Me Digitally

I’m well aware that post-2020, the profile picture is often the first thing your co-workers, or even the public, see and associate with you. I’m still that private guy I was post college, even more so now with the CISSP. I put myself in the shoes of a brand-new dev who I need to ask a question: how would getting a ping from this image sit with me?

My answer is: I would be a lot less terrified of a leader who chooses to be silly over one who chooses an image that exudes power. Let me be seen as clownish. It breaks down a wall if nothing else. And if they see me as I see me, they will take my advise as a fellow imperfect human, and treat it with their own critical eye.

But also

it’s funny