
The Robot Over My …

In a recent announcement at Microsoft Build, the CEO told the world what everyone knew but no one wanted to say out loud: AI requires your data. Windows is getting a new AI assistant feature to help you remember what you were up to and search through whatever you did on your computer; this includes …

Quit Reading QR Codes …

A while back I was in Seattle visiting my brother. My wife and I did the normal touristy things around downtown: go up the Needle, look at the museums, gawk at The Mountain, etc. Though while riding the monorail for the second time, back through the dense urban forest, I noticed a poster for some …

Self Hosting Update, or …

Introduction I started my tech journey back in the 90s’ writing HTML by hand. Ever since I started doing tech work for money in 2006, I’ve been trying to keep abreast of the systems and machines I’ve helped maintain and manage by doing it myself in a home lab. I credit where I am …

Why We Check

What comes to mind when you hear that a security audit is underway? Nervousness? Trepidation? It would be surprising if you found the news exhilarating, but must we associate a security audit purely with negativity? We are all human and the fear of “being found out” is one that haunts us …

Who is She?

Who is She? So whats up with this image on the site? This is Cirno from the Touhou series of games. She is a little ice fairy you meet in several of the games who believes that she is the “strongest” despite being introduced as a mid-boss for level 1. This fan art of her by an unknown …

A History Degree?

I’ve told this story many times, but might as well put it here. I started at Purdue in the nuclear engineering program for NROTC with the intent of becoming a naval officer working on “really cool physics stuff.” I had a full ride scholarship to do so but… I was not prepared …